Dreams are Made of These

Monday, May 17, 2004


There's no image. Just sound. The song 'Cleveland' by Jewel.

I woke up it's already morning. The tune kept on playing in my mind, thus I sang along with my own lyrics. Went back to sleep. Had another dream.

I am reading a blog that looks exactly like mine. But it is not mine.

|| abHan 4:12 AM [+]

Saturday, May 15, 2004

House made of Wood

I don't exactly remember this dream or when I have it. But just now, as I was playing with Bibuk, some images just came into my mind and I realized that they were from my dream. Then I remembered:

I'm in a house/hotel/chalet/cabin. Made entirely of wood/log. Bathtub. Gone somewhere,deal with something, coming back in. Curtains of red/rose colour. Window, glass, large. Outside the field is green. Hazy.

I just found out that mom is planning to go somewhere for a vacation. Let's see if this dream has got something to do with mom's plan! Or maybe, it just a dream. A dream of dreams.

|| abHan 10:29 AM [+]